SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE is the journal of the Portuguese Sociological Association. It has an open access policy with all published articles freely available online and with no associated costs to readers and their institutions. In addition, the authors and their institutions do not incur in any costs associated with the submission, edition, revision and/or publishing of the articles.
This journal publishes original publishes original articles (wheter as a result of research in the context of basic/pure research or in the context of applied research, research-action) and book reviews on Sociology.
Proposals for publication can be written in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.
SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE uses a double-blind peer review system with papers being independently evaluated by at least two experts.
This journal is continuously published since its foundation in 2010, presenting three numbers per year since 2016: April, August and December.
The option for online publishing aims to stimulate the dissemination of sociological work in digital media, taking advantage of faster editing, ease of access and archiving, and visibility.