Technical information N.º 20 - September 2019 Technical informationMarta Luís Pereira2020-02-18T22:26:33+00:00
Social classes, life course and power: An ethnographic approach of the political representation N.º 20 - September 2019 | Autores: João Mineiro Social classes, life course and power: An ethnographic approach of the political representationMarta Luís Pereira2020-02-07T17:47:57+00:00
From Phd to the labour market? The professional path of a highly qualified group N.º 20 - September 2019 | Autores: César Morais and Mariana Gaio Alves From Phd to the labour market? The professional path of a highly qualified groupMarta Luís Pereira2020-02-07T17:51:40+00:00
From the sociology of socialization to the sociology of individuation: Contributions to a sociology of individual time N.º 20 - September 2019 | Autores: João Eduardo Martins From the sociology of socialization to the sociology of individuation: Contributions to a sociology of individual timeMarta Luís Pereira2020-02-07T17:55:30+00:00