“Only masc, queers, get off!”: Grindr as a space of homonormativity (re)production N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: Hugo Santos
“I don’t think I’m going to leave as I came in…”:Epistemological, methodological and deontological implications of the life-story interview N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: Ana Maria Brandão
(Semi)hidden and manifest transcripts in ways of life and inhabiting conditions: ‘Social housing’ in Andorinhas neighbourhood, Braga N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: Manuel Carlos Silva, Sheila Khan and Rui Vieira Cruz
New developmentalism, lulismo, social conflict and State in Brazil N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: Rodolfo Soares Moimaz
Conscious capitalism: A fairer configuration or the art to reinvent itself to keep existing? N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: Marcos da Silva Lima and Fernando Bessa Ribeiro
Recent changes in the employment structure in Portugal: Segmentation and polarization N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: João Dias, Ilona Kovács and Maria da Conceição Cerdeira
Reserve and retirement in the Portuguese army: The numbers and the reconfigurations N.º 22 - April 2020 | Autores: Ana Romão, Maria da Saudade Baltazar, David Pascoal Rosado, Dinis Fonseca and Helga Santa Comba Lopes