N.º 17 - October 2018
- SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE publishes original research on Social Sciences that was not previously published or that is not being considered for publication elsewhere;
- Articles may be written in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish or Italian;
- Manuscripts must be submitted to sociologiaonline@aps.pt;
- All articles are initially evaluated by the Direction of SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE. Manuscripts that comply with the Journal’s publication standards are independently evaluated by at least two experts. The Journal uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. The Direction of SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE is responsible for the final publication decision;
- SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE uses a plagiarism detection software. Authors found to have plagiarized the work of others or their own will not be able to publish the submitted work and other publications in SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE during a period of time to be established by the Journal’s Direction;
- Manuscripts proposed to SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE must be submitted in a Word file with the text in 12-point Times New Roman and 1,5 line spacing. Authors are responsible for the grammatical and syntactical revision of the articles;
- Manuscripts should not exceed 9000 words, including final notes and bibliography. Reflections should not exceed 6000 words, and book reviews 1500 words;
- Authors are encouraged to follow the following general structure of papers: Introduction; Theoretical framework; Methodology; Results; Conclusions; Acknowledgments (if applicable); Notes (if applicable); References;
- Notes should be used sparingly. In addition, they should be presented in 10-point Times New Roman, with continuous numbering, from the beginning to the end of the article. All notes must be placed at the end of the text, just before the “References”;
- Manuscripts written in Portuguese should include a final note stating whether they follow or not the spelling agreement;
- Non-textual elements should be presented in tables or figures and identified with continuous Arabic numerals. A maximum of 6 tables and 6 figures is allowed. Table titles should be presented in 12-point Times New Roman, bold and centred. There should be a space between the text and the title of the table or figure and a space between the title and the corresponding table or figure. Tables/figures must be kept in one sheet;
- Non-textual elements should additionally be sent in a separate file in their original format (Excel, SPSS, others) or in the following formats:
- EPS (or PDF): Vector drawings
TIFF (or JPG): Color or grayscale images: 300 dpi minimum resolution; - All manuscripts must present a title in Portuguese and a title in English. In addition, all articles must present a summary of 150 words in Portuguese and a summary of 150 words in English (including a brief introduction to the study and its theoretical and methodological approaches; the major results; conclusion and the relevance); 4 keywords in Portuguese and 4 keywords in English. Articles written in languages other than the previous ones should also present a title, abstract and keywords in the original language of the text;
- Authors must specify the following information regarding their affiliations: institution discriminated at three levels (e.g.University, School, Department or Research Unit); Postal Code; City; Country and e-mail address. The correspondence author must present the complete institutional address;
- If the manuscripts include a section of “Acknowledgments”, this should be included after the “Conclusions” and before “Notes” and “References”;
- Citations, references in the text and bibliographic references must comply with the APA 6th Edition;
- The Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia retains copyright of all published manuscripts. All texts are freely available at http://revista. aps.pt/en/home-page/