Adapt to better adopt: Ethnography in music education centres of Venezuela and Portugal N.º 15 - December 2017 | Autores: Alix Didier Sarrouy
What is the literature saying about education, museum and educating city? N.º 15 - December 2017 | Autores: Cristina Carvalho, João Teixeira Lopes and Clarisse Duarte Magalhães Cancela
The work of school inclusion put to the test of students’ singularities: Forms, conditions and limits of the recognition of vulnerability in schools N.º 15 - December 2017 | Autores: João Feijão and Nélia Freitas
The “desaparecidos”, the ghosts and the body as archive: Analyzing the Syrian conflict in contemporary performance N.º 15 - December 2017 | Autores: Sílvia Raposo
Book Review – Reverse shots: indigenous film and media in an international context: Pearson, W. G., & Knabe, S. (Eds.), 2014, Waterloo, Canada, Wilfrid Laurier University Press N.º 15 - December 2017 | Autores: Paula Sequeiros