Nº 10 - abril 2016
Página | |
Editorial – Ana Romão, Andrea Vargiu and Sylvie Mazzella | 3 |
Pedro Candeias and João Peixoto – Europe at their feet? Free circulation, economic crisis and exit strategies of recent Portuguese emigrants to the European Union |
11 |
Laura Bergnach and Marco Orioles – Strangers and frontiers: the shared citizenship in a border region of the Southern Europe |
23 |
Lia Lombardi and Mara Tognetti Bordogna – Health inequalities and prevention of cancers and sexually-transmitted diseases: a trans-Mediterranean research project | 61 |
Giuseppe Masullo – LGBTI immigrants in Italy and asylum rights: between unvoiced needs, discriminations and lack of recognition | 88 |
Folco Cimagalli – Local Policy for Migrants in Rome | 110 |
María Cristina Romero Rodríguez – Subjetividades cosmopolitas, multiterritoriales y transnacionales. Sentires entrecruzados de médicas/os especialistas de Latinoamérica en España | 125 |
Lia Lombardi – Santé et bien-être des immigrés en Italie. Etude sur les styles de vie | 145 |
Angela Mongelli, Daniele Morciano, Vittoria Jacobone, Amelia Manuti, Serafina Pastore e Fausta Scardigno – Il CAP – Centro per l’Apprendimento Permanente: una ricerca-intervento “con e per” i cittadini dei Paesi Terzi | 161 |
Letizia Materassi – Food as an “inter-cultural object”. A diversity experience among immigrants in Italy | 182 |
Normas de publicação | 193 |